Unfortunately all coffee chat slots are currently booked.
Please head to online lessons or get on the waiting list!

Coffee chats or Kaffeekränzchen are conversational lessons in English or German that take please in the most relaxed setting – a cozy coffeehouse. The idea is to eliminate the strictness of a typical classroom lesson while at the same time creating an environment that enables naturally flowing conversation. The topics can be anything you’d like – you can suggest them yourself or give me an overview of your interests and let me compile them.
Of course my coffeehouse lessons don’t just consist of spontaneous interaction! Each coffee chat is carefully prepared and comes with topic-related vocabulary, a feedback session that helps you to improve your skills and – if desired – specific grammar points. After all, anything that can be taught in a classroom can be taught in a coffeehouse too!
Please send your inquiry via the CONTACT page to receive your individual quote. Coffee chats are offered as individual sessions or for small groups of up to three people.